It is not once or twice that China's fastener industry has suffered anti-dumping sanctions in the international market. Unfair treatment brings a lot of damage and annoyance to fastener exporters. Although we have been actively dealing with these unfair sanctions and doing our best to protect our own interests, we are still unable to stop some sanctions and injuries.
Recently, the new European anti-dumping investigation method has officially landed, which will have a great impact on many industries in China, including fasteners.
On December 19th, the European Union announced an amendment to the EU anti-dumping and countervailing regulations (REGULATION (EU) 2017A2321) adopted by the European Parliament and the European Council on December 12, amending the original "non-market economy" (Non-market Economy) surrogate country approach in the EU anti-dumping regulations and adding a "significant distortion" (Significant Distortion) surrogate country approach. The amendment regulations also amend the EU countervailing regulations. According to the aforementioned EU announcement, the special amendment regulations will enter into force on December 20 and apply to all anti-dumping investigations initiated by the EU since that date. At this point, the new method brewing in the European Union for the past two years has officially landed.